Tuesday 28 September 2010

Essay of Queen Elizabeth Film

The oppening of the film is blue washed and quite grey and dull. This shows that the feeling in the room is sad, depressing and cold. It could also show the Queen is compossed, prepared and emotionless. As the film begins we see a lady cutting the queens hair and she is crying wheras the queen remains stern faced. This could meen she needs to have short hair like a man to look powerful and she is keeping a stern face as she wants to remain compossed to be the new queen. The queen is wearing a white dress, with red lipstick and a white painted face. This type of fashion and make up could symbolise purity as she says she is the virgin Queen. We also see a flashback for Elizabeth when she was with her lover (not sure) where there is a lot more colour and brightness which I think means this was a much more happier time in Elizabeths life compared to what is happening to her at that present time. When the Queen walks into the court, there is a high-key light behind her. This could have religious conotations behind it because she seems angelic and it is like God has sent her to be Queen. When she is walking through the court everyone parts so she can walk through them, which shows how much power and control she now has and it is also like a wedding as she says she is marrying England, so it looks like a wedding ceremony. When the Queen speaks at the end, her voice is very loud and stern, it's also very authoratative showing that she is ready to be Queen.

Camera Angles
In the opening we get a close up of the Queens head which shows she is sad but also she looks very serious and authoratative. A close up is also shown of the Queens hair falling out of the lady's hands. This could metaphoricaly mean that the Queens life is sliping out of her hand and she now has to live the life of a Queen, so everything she's done in the past she has to let go of and move on. During the flashback we are shown a two-shot of Elizabeth and her lover. This shows they were comfortable in eachothers company and had a friendly, possibly romantic relationship. There is a long shot of the Queen when she is standing in the court as she just walks in which is used to fully show of the Queen's brand new beautifal royal clothes. There is also a wide shot and high angle point of view shot of all the people in the court as she just enters. This is to show just how many people are there to see her coronation and how she has all of their full attention as she is their new Queen. As she walks through the court we see a close up of the man she was with in the flashback's head. He looks anguished and very upset. This could be because now she is becoming Queen they can never have a relationship and their love for eachother has now got to end. At the end of the sequence we are shown a close up of the Queen as she sits in her throne. This is used to make it look like an old portrait of a Queen and to fully cement in the viewers mind that she is now the Queen.

1 comment:

  1. James this is a good first attempt as moving image analysis. You have explored the mise-en-scene in some detail and have begun to use cinematography with some confidence. In order to show that you are fully confident in your interpretation you should make firm statements for example don't say 'could mean' just say 'means' or 'connotes'.
