Friday 17 September 2010

Skins posters homework

Analysis of skins poster 1
1. In this poster teenagers are depicted to be dirty, hopeless and suicidal. This is because he is laying in dirty bathwater in a dirty bathroom, making people who look at this poster think all teens are dirty and it looks like he is drowning himself in the bath because of the hopeless expression on his face. I don't think this is plausible for all teenagers because not all teenagers are dirty and sad, although it is belivable in a way because their are alot of teenagers who are underpressure because of their surroundings and life and may feel suicidal. This is a negative reperensation of teenagers because it portrays them as unclean, which is a common connection with teens and because it seems he wants to commit suicide, links teenagers to death.

2. Depending on the audience there are different interpretations to this poster. Other teenagers may feel annoyed because this is just another negative interpreatation of them and there is alot of this in the media. Adults and other older people may respond by thinking that teens are bad and this is just another piece of evidence to suggest this about teenagers. Some people may feel sorry for teens because of this poster because he looks depressed and suicidal, making you think teenagers at whole are sad people and none of them are happy.

3. This image could cause offence to many people. This is because people who have had family members or friends that have commited suicide could be offended by them using someone who appears to be commiting suicide to promote their television series.

Poster 2
Characters: The characters dress informs me they may all be irresponsible and sexually active. Becuase the teens are all not wearing much clothes this suggests they may all be sexually active.The girl in the middle looks upset and if she has been crying because of the mascara running down her face. This makes me think she does not like everything happening around her. The boy laying in bed still has his hat on and looks scared which suggests he may be insecure and not enjoying everything going on around him.

Additional Props: One additional prop in this poster is the lamp. Because the lamp looks old this makes me think it's an adults bedroom, meaning the teens should not be in their. Also it is on during daytime. This may be because they want to clearly show the boy on the bed so the viewer notices him straight away. They may want us to notice him more because he is an important character or it is unusual that he is featured in this poster. Another additional prop used is the painting on the wall. Again it is an old fashioned, dull painting which suggests they are in an adults room where they are not meant to be. They may have chose to do this in an adults room rather than their own bedrooms because they feel more like adults because of what they are doing. The bed in the background is a double bed and only the boy in the hat and the girl crying seem to either be sitting or laying in the bed. This suggests they may have done something together in it becuse I also think he is looking at her guiltily.

Setting: The setting seems to be an adults bedroom, presumabaly the girls bedroom. This makes me think the girl is crying because she may feel guilty about what she has done possibly with the boy in the bed. The bedroom also seems rundown because of all the wall paper that has been torn down, which may symbolise how all of those teens lives have been torn apart because of their actions. The wall paper also seems old fashioned, another reason to think they are in an adults bedroom.

Colour: In the poster their is not much colour apart from the girls bra and it seems it has been washed grey This suggests that even though the people are kissing, the mood in the room is sad and serious. The look on the girl's face also seems to prove this

1 comment:

  1. A fair first attempt here James with some good use of media terminology. You have clrealy thought about your own interpreation, particularly for the second image. For the future you should be prepared to write in detail about a frame. Your analysis of the first image is quite basic and doesn't go into enough detail. I'd like to see you write about all elements of mise-en-scene for that image. Also make sure that you are spelling key words correctly such as 'representation'.
